Let’s be real.

None of the prints or images featured on this site have been photoshopped. The artist may have engaged in basic color correcting and cropping for scale, but nothing has been retouched or superimposed. These prints are the result of real scenes. As many of these images were captured outside, you may spot the black blur of an insect flying or dust and the haze of pollution in the atmosphere. These features were intentionally left in the images. The photographer’s purpose is to present you with scenes that are absolutely real but look rich, bright otherworldly, fantastical or abstract.  

As with all artwork, the photographer has made creative decisions in how to present her work. As such, some images are intentionally soft focused, high contrast or grainy. To the extent possible, the descriptions of the prints mention these characteristics to allow you to be an informed buyer before making any purchases. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the Contact Page.

Shipping is always free, but right now we are only able to ship to the Unites States. If you are interested in buying a print and need international shipping please contact us via the Contact Page and we can try to help. We do not accept returns, but all shipments are fully insured so that we may replace any items damaged in transit.